
Created by Álvaro Pinel and last modified
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Branch information

Guadalinex Members
Software Updater

Recent revisions

1787. By Álvaro Pinel

modified to don't check ubuntu release upgrades

1786. By Álvaro Pinel

Update changelog

1785. By Álvaro Pinel

Updated changelog

1784. By Álvaro Pinel <alvaro@alvaro-dell>

Updated changelog

1783. By Álvaro Pinel <alvaro@alvaro-dell>

added uploaders

1782. By Michael Vogt

DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py: apply nm-applet kill on upgrades to lucid, make it quiet

1781. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py:
  - Add workaround for nm-applet dying during the upgrade. At
    the start up of the update we take it down in a controlled
    way (LP: #456468)

1780. By Michael Vogt

debian/changelog: add correct bugreports

1779. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
  - add ubuntu-netbook-remix and ubuntu-netbook to valid
    meta-packages to ensure clean transition for the rename
    of ubuntu-netbook-remix to ubuntu-netbook
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeCache.py:
  - Check if the metapkg is actually upgradable. This covers
    the case of ubuntu-netbook-remix that may no longer be
    available to a user if "universe" is disabled

1778. By Michael Vogt

* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py:
  - add workaround for 10_lupin infinite loop (LP: #540579)
    Thanks to Juergen Klar for providing the test-case
* DistUpgrade/10_lupin:
  - include (fixed) lucid version of 10_lupin that fixes a possible
    infinite loop on upgrade

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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