
Created by James Page and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hadoop-ubuntu/ubuntu/precise/hadoop/trunk
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Hadoop Ubuntu Packagers

Recent revisions

22. By James Page

New upstream release

21. By James Page

* New upstream release.
* New upstream candidate release:
  - d/control: Added libsnappy-dev to Build-Deps.
  - d/rules: Generate java JNI bindings for snappy.
  - Refresh patches.
* Sort out dependencies for hadoop-native
  - libzip1 -> zlib1g
  - Drop liblzo2-2
  - Added libsnappy1
* Links libsnappy.so into hadoop-native install so that
  Java can actually load the required .so.

20. By James Page

Install webapps to /usr/lib/hadoop to keep jetty happy.

19. By James Page

New upstream release.

18. By James Page

New upstream release

17. By James Page

Tell dpkg-shlibdeps to ignore missing symbols for libjvm.so

16. By James Page

* Fixup shlibs detection causing sporadic FTBFS (reverted)
* hadoop-conf-pseudo - removed automated namenode format
* Set permissions on /var/lib/hadoop/cache/hadoop correctly

15. By James Page

Renamed patch for fuse-dfs for upstream patch number.

14. By James Page

Provide /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-core.jar for use in hbase.

13. By James Page

* Fixup shlibs detection causing sporadic FTBFS.
* Finalize multiarch libraries.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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