
Created by Edward Hope-Morley and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hopem/charms/trusty/glance/ensure-apache-restart
Only Edward Hope-Morley can upload to this branch. If you are Edward Hope-Morley please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Edward Hope-Morley

Recent revisions

105. By Edward Hope-Morley

use service_reload()

104. By Edward Hope-Morley


Ensure apache2 reloaded/restarted when https configured

Closes-Bug: #1410568

103. By Edward Hope-Morley

[trivial] fix amulet missing https_keystone setting error

102. By Edward Hope-Morley


Fixes SSL cert/key inject from config.

Closes-Bug: 1351401

101. By Edward Hope-Morley


Implement PKI token signing.

Closes-Bug: 1309667

100. By James Page

Automated resync of charm-helpers

99. By Liam Young

[bradm, r=gnuoy] Add haproxy nrpe checks and setting of nagios_servicegroups

98. By Edward Hope-Morley

[trivial] charmhelpers sync

97. By Edward Hope-Morley


Clean up the keyring after ceph relation is broken. So when next
time ceph relation is joined, ensure_ceph_keyring will not ignore
the new key because of the existance of the old one.

96. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Pre-release charmhelper sync

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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