
Created by Edward Hope-Morley and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hopem/charms/trusty/neutron-openvswitch/lp1485655
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Edward Hope-Morley

Recent revisions

84. By Edward Hope-Morley

sync /next

83. By Edward Hope-Morley


82. By Edward Hope-Morley


Ensure all nics are included when resolving mac addresses
and filter out virtual interfaces.

Closes-Bug: 1485655

81. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Pre-release charmhelper sync to pickup leadership election peer migration fix

80. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Pre-release charmhelper sync to pickup cli module

79. By Billy Olsen

[1chb1n,r=billy-olsen] Remove utopic amulet tests.

78. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Pre-release charmhelper sync

77. By Billy Olsen

[hopem,r=billy=olsen] Cleanup temp dirs.

Ensure mktemp dir is deleted when no longer needed.

Closes-Bug: 1467938

76. By Corey Bryant

[corey.bryant,trivial] Synch charm-helpers.

75. By Corey Bryant

[corey.bryant,trivial] Deploy from source updates

* Install libffi-dev and libssl-dev requirement for deploy from source.
* Enable tests/017-basic-trusty-kilo.
* Install amulet requirement python-distro-info.
* Use icehouse repositories with modified requirements due to issues
  with final upstream icehouse requirements.
* Add neutron-*aas repositories for amulet tests >= kilo.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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