
Created by Edward Hope-Morley and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hopem/charms/trusty/neutron-openvswitch/lp1500386
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Edward Hope-Morley

Recent revisions

90. By Edward Hope-Morley

sync ch

89. By Edward Hope-Morley


Sync charmhelpers to get fix for LP 1500386

88. By Liam Young

[hopem,r=gnuoy] Sync charm-helpers to get fix for LP: #1497517

87. By James Page

[james-page,r=beisner] Ensure dkms packages are installed prior to ovs on 12.04

86. By James Page

[gnuoy,r=james-page] Add support for local DHCP and Metadata agents

This change allows nova-compute nodes to also run Neutron DHCP and Metadata
agents, allowing deploying without the neutron-gateway charm in VLAN and
flat networking configurations.

Only useful if l3 routing, vpnaas, fwaas and lbaas services are not required.

85. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Charmhelper sync (+1'd by mojo)

84. By Edward Hope-Morley


Ensure all nics are included when resolving mac addresses
and filter out virtual interfaces. Also fixes ability to
provide multiple bridge:mac configs so as to be able to
use MAC adderesses instead of port names and still be able
to configure multiple hosts.

Closes-Bug: 1485655

83. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Charmhelper sync (+1'd by mojo)

82. By Corey Bryant

[corey.bryant,r=trivial] Sync charm-helpers to pick up Liberty support.

81. By Liam Young

[gnuoy,trivial] Pre-release charmhelper sync to pickup leadership election peer migration fix

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