
Created by James Page and last modified
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Jenkins Ubuntu Packaging

Recent revisions

11. By James Page

Updates for jenkins-monitor-job

10. By James Page

* New package: jenkins-external-job-monitor:
  - Provides dependencies and helper for monitoring
    external jobs from jenkins.

9. By James Page

* Reworked jenkins and jenkins-slave upstart configurations
  to use start-stop-daemon as upstart was not tracking the right
  process when using su -c.
* Refactored start-slave.sh -> download-slave.sh.

8. By James Page

* Misc fixes to start-slave.sh script to make
  it work and be more efficient.
* Added logrotate config for jenins and -slave.a
* webroot now set /var/run/jenkins/war

7. By James Page

* Upstart conf improvements for jenkins.
* Added logrotate config for jenins and -slave.

6. By James Page

* Updates to jenkins-slave package to include upstart
  configuration and helper script when running independent
  slaves launched via jnlp.
* Refactoring to support depdendency changes/renames in:
   - libjellydoc-java -> libmaven-jellydoc-java
   - libstapler-java -> libstapler-jelly-java
   - libhudson-htmlunit-* -> libjenkins-htmlunit-*
* Minor changes to upstart configuration
* Added jenkins-tomcat package
* Implement plugin handling for system installed plugins

5. By James Page

Initial release

4. By James Page

temp disable plugin manager - no plugins yet

3. By James Page

Restored source debian/debian

2. By James Page

Added debian packaging

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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