
Created by James Page and last modified
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Jenkins Ubuntu Packaging

Recent revisions

11. By James Page

Update to original pom file

10. By James Page

Amended minor error in get-orig-pom

9. By James Page

* Enabled maven artifact deployment (LP: #715652)
  - debian/rules, debian/libcommons-jexl-java.poms: install maven
    artifacts and new target to retrieve original POM file.

8. By James Page

Prep for ~test1

7. By James Page

* Enabled maven artifact deployment:
  - debian/control: Build-Depends-Indep added maven-repo-helper
  - debian/rules: install maven artifacts
  - debian/poms/commons-jexl.pom: localised pom for maven
* Updates Standards-Version: 3.9.1, no changes.

6. By Onkar Shinde

[ Michael Koch ]
* debian/watch
  - Updated watch file to match upstream version better.

[ Onkar Shinde ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control
  - Move cdbs and debhelper to 'Build-Depends' to make lintian happy.
  - Bump debhelper version needed to 5.
  - Use default-jdk as build dependency.
  - Use default-jre as runtime dependency.
  - Remove homepage from description and add 'Homepage' field.
  - Change standard version to 3.8.1.
  - Add myself to uploaders.
* debian/compat
  - Bump to 5.
* debina/rules
  - Use java home corresponding to default-jdk.
  - Add ant options to compile for target JVM 1.4.
  - Create symlink in the install target.
  - Remove unused variable JLIBS.
* debian/links
  - Remove, not needed anymore.
* debian/ant.properties
  - Remove jar file name as it is already present in build.xml.
* debian/install
  - Remove version from jar file name.
* debian/patches
  - 01_jar_without_tests.patch: Refreshed for current source.
* debian/watch
  - Change url to match current source repository.
* debian/README.source
  - Add for compliance with standards version 3.8.0.
* debian/copyright
  - The library is licensed under Apache License 2.0 now. So remove complete
    text of previous license and point to the common-licenses folder.
  - Update copyright years to 1999-2006.

5. By Onkar Shinde

[ Michael Koch ]
* debian/watch
  - Updated watch file to match upstream version better.

[ Onkar Shinde ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control
  - Move cdbs and debhelper to 'Build-Depends' to make lintian happy.
  - Use default-jdk as build dependency.
  - Use default-jre as runtime dependency.
  - Remove homepage from description and add 'Homepage' field.
  - Change standard version to 3.8.0.
* debina/rules
  - Use java home corresponding to default-jdk.
  - Add ant options to compile for target JVM 1.5.
  - Extract version from changelog.
  - Create symlink in the install target.
* debian/links
  - Remove, not needed anymore.
* debian/ant.properties
  - Remove jar file name as it is already present in build.xml.
* debian/install
  - Remove version from jar file name.
* debian/patches
  - 01_jar_without_tests.patch: Refreshed for current source.
* debian/watch
  - Change url to match current source repository.
* debian/README.source
  - Add for compliance with standards version 3.8.0.
* debian/copyright
  - The library is licensed under Apache License 2.0 now. So remove complete
    text of previous license and point to the common-licenses folder.

4. By Arnaud Vandyck

debian/rules: removed ANT_HOME and DEB_ANT_COMPILER (closes: #396334),
thanks to Julien Danjou, and Andreas Jochens

3. By Arnaud Vandyck

* New upstream release
* debian/watch: added
* no more junit tests when building at the moment
* no more documentation at the moment

2. By Arnaud Vandyck

Now build with SableVM and libant1.6-java

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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