
Created by James Page and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~hudson-ubuntu/ubuntu/natty/libjcommon-java/hudson-fix
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Branch information

Jenkins Ubuntu Packaging

Recent revisions

10. By James Page

* Enabled maven artifact deployment:
  - debian/control: Build-Depends added maven-repo-helper
  - debian/rules: install maven artifacts
  - debian/poms/jcommon.pom: localised pom for maven

9. By Torsten Werner

[ Matthias Klose ]
* (Build-)depend on default-jre/-jdk.

[ Torsten Werner ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #575016)
* Add d/orig-tar.sh to clean up orig tarball after download.
* Add missing Depends: ${misc:Depends}.
* Bump up debhelper version to 5.
* Update Standards-Version: 3.8.4 (no changes).
* Change Section: java.
* Do various cleanups.
* Changes source format to 3.0.
* Add Vcs-* and Homepage headers to d/control.

8. By Matthias Klose

(Build-)depend on default-jre/-jdk.

7. By Rene Engelhard <email address hidden>

oops, we need to remove lib/junit.jar from the orig

6. By Matthias Klose

New upstream release.

5. By Matthias Klose

* New upstream release.
* Move to universe, builds and runs with gij.

4. By Wolfgang Baer

* New stable upstream release (closes: #328574)
* Move to main - build with kaffe
* Use cdbs build system - added cdbs build-dependency
* Move package to pkg-java-maintainers for comaintenance,
  added Christian Bayle and myself as uploaders
* Removed unneeded README.Debian
* Added README.Debian-source how the upstream tarball was cleaned
* Move big documentation in an own -doc package
* Register javadoc api with doc-base
* Standards-Version 3.6.2 (no changes)

3. By Christian Bayle

Fixed FTBFS: ./debian_patch: Permission denied (Closes: #306636)

2. By Christian Bayle

Added dependancy on java2-runtime (Closes: #202400)

1. By Christian Bayle

Import upstream version 0.8.3

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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