
Created by James Page and last modified
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Jenkins Ubuntu Packaging

Recent revisions

15. By James Page

* Enabled maven artifact deployment:
  - debian/control: Build-Depends-Indep added maven-repo-helper
  - debian/rules: install maven artifacts
  - debian/poms/jfreechart.pom: localised pom for maven

14. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* Team upload.
* Include jcommon.jar in Class-Path entry of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  using jh_manifest (Closes: #601576):
  - d/control: Depends on javahelper.
  - d/rules: Call jh_manifest on jfreechart.jar and *-experimental.jar.

13. By Debian Java Maintainers

[ Onkar Shinde ]
* debian/control
  - default-jdk/jre conversion.
  - Change runtime jre dependency to match target JVM version specified in
  - Change build-dep libservlet2.4-java -> libservlet2.5-java.
  - Sync runtime version of libjcommon-java with build-dep version.
  - Change standards version to 3.8.3.
* debian/rules
  - There are no patches. Remove simple patchsys include.
  - Change JAV_HOME to match default-jdk. Remove ANT_HOME.
  - Remove unnecessary ant-launcher jar from DEB_JARS.
  - Remove DEB_ANT_COMPILER. Not needed these days.
  - Change servelet-api jar to 2.5.
  - Build experimental jar as well.
* debian/dirs
  - Remove. Not really needed.

12. By Vincent Fourmond

* New upstream release (closes: #533374)
* Added myself to uploaders
* Moved to Section: java
* Already conforms to standards 3.8.2
* Add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies for potential debhelper-induced
* Adapted debian/rules to the new location of the generated jar

11. By Varun Hiremath

* New upstream release
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0

10. By Varun Hiremath

[ Varun Hiremath ]
* New upstream release
* This release fixes the following security issue:
  + Multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the image map
  feature allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML
  via several attributes (CVE-2007-6306; Closes: #456148).
* Fix debian/watch to include letters also in upstream version.
* Make some minor fixes in debian/orig-tar.sh file.
* debian/control: Bumped up Standards-Version to 3.7.3

[ Michael Koch ]
* Use uscan SourceForge helper in watch file.

9. By Kumar Appaiah <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* Upstream changelog name fixed.
* Update copyright, with license LGPL 2.1.
* Use Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser in place of XS-* fields.

8. By Michael Koch

Removed j2re1.4 from Depends.

7. By Michael Koch

* Merged from Ubuntu.
* Moved Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends.
* Removed Wolfgang and added myself to Uploaders.
* Updated Standards-Version.

6. By Barry deFreese

* Re-merge with Debian. Changes kept:
  * Fix versioned build dependency on libjcommon-java.
  * Build-depend on libservlet2.4-java instead of libservlet2.3-java
    -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Wed, 11 Oct 2006 22:30:49 +0000

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