
Created by Ted Gould and last modified
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Indicator Applet Developers
Unity HUD

Recent revisions

391. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package hud version 13.10.1+14.04.20140402-0ubuntu2

390. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 13.10.1+14.04.20140402-0ubuntu1

389. By Pete Woods

Make the DBusMenu safety valve actually work this time Fixes: 1280372, 1300722

388. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 13.10.1+14.04.20140326-0ubuntu1

387. By Pete Woods

Add safety valve for DBusMenuCollector that also reports the offending application Fixes: 1280372

386. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 13.10.1+14.04.20140325-0ubuntu1

385. By Pete Woods

Call only "safe" write method from UNIX signal handler

See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/xsh_chap02_04.html#tag_02_04_01 Fixes: 1296602

384. By Pete Woods

Fix test failures exposed by fix to libqtdbustest Fixes: 1296744

383. By Pete Woods

Add null guards to ItemStore search Fixes: 1292237

382. By Charles Kerr

Simplify the implementation of QtGActionGroup.

This started off with the intent of removing the overhead of g_action_group_list_actions() in QtGActionGroup::Action(), but then I found QtGActionGroup::Action() was only called in the object's constructor and destructor, so it made more sense to remove the function altogether.

Summary of changes:

  * Plugged GVariant leak in QtGActionGroup::TriggerAction()

  * Plugged char* leak in QtGMenuUtils::makeStringListQVariant

  * ActionGroup ctor calls g_action_group_list_actions() once instead of n+1 times

  * ActionGroup dtor calls g_action_group_list_actions() once instead of n times

  * Removed unused public method Size()

  * Removed newly-unused public method Action()

  * Removed newly-unused field m_size Fixes: 1296746

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