
Created by Ted Gould and last modified
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Indicator Applet Developers

Recent revisions

220. By Charles Kerr

releasing version 0.3.97-0ubuntu1

219. By Charles Kerr

* New upstream release.
  * Faster searches and better search results. (lp: #947283, lp: #972354)
  * Don't submit searches with zero tokens. (lp: #973203)
  * Propertly emit the WindowUnregistered signal when windows go away.
  * Improvements to the gcov automake rules.
  * Fix bootstrap error in tests.
  - reduce hud cpu usage and DoS on long strings (lp: #938584, lp: #948820)

218. By Charles Kerr

Sync form Ubuntu Desktop

217. By Charles Kerr

* debian/control
  - Added build depends needed for test-dbus-message-count:
      * bamfdaemon,
      * metacity,
      * bustle,
      * libindicator3-tools
    This test is disabled in the distro package though, because it requires bustle which is in universe.

216. By Charles Kerr

releasing version 0.3.96-0ubuntu1~ppa1

215. By Charles Kerr

* New upstream release.
  * Fix icon support.
  * Fix a pair of memory leaks (LP: #965497)
  * Added tests to benchmark dbus message traffic.

214. By Charles Kerr

Sync from Ubuntu Desktop

213. By Ted Gould

releasing version 0.3.95-0ubuntu1~ppa1

212. By Ted Gould

Fixing merge error

211. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Support for XUL applications in the hud (LP: #921231)
  * Init translation, fix system indicator names not translated in the HUD
    (LP: #955880)
  * Fix an hud-service assertion error (LP: #955937)
  * Highlight hits in GMenuModel HUD (LP: #950079)
  * Several Coverity bugs (LP: #957420, #957414, #957412, #957415)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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