
Created by James Page and last modified
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James Page

Recent revisions

56. By James Page

Go for it

55. By James Page

* Updates to support MIR in Ubuntu:
  - d/control: Add BD's on go.crypto, go.net, juju-loggo,
    github-bmizerany-pat and go-dbus -dev packages.
  - d/rules: Tweak GOPATH configuration and link in any shared go
    dependencies from /usr/share/gocode to ensure that distribution
    -dev packages are preferred over embedded copies in juju source.
  - d/control,rules: Add BD on dh-golang, enable Built-Using field to
    ensure -dev dependencies can be tracked effectively.

54. By James Page

Drop goyaml for now until juju transitions to yaml.v2

53. By James Page

Comment about use of shared -dev packages

52. By James Page

Update to use packaged golang dev dependencies

51. By Curtis Hovey

* New upstream release (LP: #1481556).
* d/copyright updated for Juju 1.24.6 (Last verified commit changes).
* d/tests/* Run tests with upstart when Juju version before 1.23.
* Prefer gccgo-5 for ppc64el and arm64 in build-deps.

50. By Curtis Hovey

* New upstream bugfix release.
* d/copyright updated for Juju 1.22.6 (Last verified commit changes).

49. By Curtis Hovey

Add distro-info to build-depends because juju's list of series can
be stale.

48. By Curtis Hovey

* New upstream bugfix release (Lp: #1462001).
* d/copyright: Updated to reflect changes in the codebase.

47. By Oleg Strikov

* New upstream bugfix release (LP: #1444037).
* Autopkgtests were changed to switch back to upstart before running their
  workload. This is needed because juju < 1.23 doesn't support systemd.
* d/patches/fix-detect-new-release.patch: Removed because applied upstream.
* d/copyright: Updated to reflect changes in the codebase.

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