
Created by James Henstridge and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~jamesh/thumbnailer/use-thumbnailer-interface
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James Henstridge

Recent revisions

374. By James Henstridge

Switch over to using the specialised "thumbnailer" snapd interface.

Move snapcraft.yaml to where "snapcraft init" now puts it on new

373. By Michi Henning

Removed set_snap_env() again because desktop-launch now sets GST_PLUGIN_PATH.

Approved by unity-api-1-bot, Michi Henning, James Henstridge.

372. By Michi Henning

Merged trunk to pull in lp:~pete-woods/thumbnailer/cmake-extras-compatibility

371. By Michi Henning

Added gstreamer plugin dependencies.

Approved by James Henstridge, unity-api-1-bot.

370. By Michi Henning

Adjust paths when running in a snap. Decision whether to adjust paths is now made at compile time. Also consolidated all the environment variable accesses into an EnvVar helper class.
Added home interface to service and admin tool for the time being. This allows local thumbnailing to work (but the apparmor credentials check is currently not doing the right thing).
videos don't thumbnail yet because we are not bundling the gstreamer codecs, I suspect.

Approved by James Henstridge, unity-api-1-bot.

369. By Michi Henning

First stab at snapcraft.yaml.

Approved by James Henstridge, unity-api-1-bot.

368. By Michi Henning

Get rid of deprecated cmake-extras features.

Approved by unity-api-1-bot, Michi Henning.

367. By Michi Henning

Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings on zesty.

Approved by unity-api-1-bot, James Henstridge.

366. By James Henstridge

Include the stored error message from the ThumbnailRequest in the logged warning.

Approved by unity-api-1-bot, Michi Henning.

365. By Michi Henning

Merging 2.4+17.04.20161114.1-0ubuntu1 from trunk at r154:
* Added zesty to list of distros for which we suppress Qt tests.
* Fixed code to work with taglib 1.11, which breaks the behavior
  of the taglib 1.9 API.

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