If it were a genuinely new dependency I would indeed worry, but I'm *fairly* sure python3-yaml's been seeded since forever (or since focal at least, which is the earliest we need to concern ourselves with as upgrades never span more than one LTS). Just checking ...
Yup, python3-yaml was seeded at least as far back as focal on PC server, PC desktop, and pi server images. So, technically yes, an SRU *should* be done but I wouldn't worry greatly in this particular case as python3-yaml should be universally installed.
If it were a genuinely new dependency I would indeed worry, but I'm *fairly* sure python3-yaml's been seeded since forever (or since focal at least, which is the earliest we need to concern ourselves with as upgrades never span more than one LTS). Just checking ...
$ curl -s http:// cdimage. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ releases/ focal/release/ ubuntu- 20.04.4- preinstalled- server- arm64+raspi. manifest | grep python3-yaml cdimage. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ releases/ focal/release/ ubuntu- 20.04.4- preinstalled- server- armhf+raspi. manifest | grep python3-yaml old-releases. ubuntu. com/releases/ 20.04.0/ ubuntu- 20.04-desktop- amd64.manifest | grep python3-yaml old-releases. ubuntu. com/releases/ 20.04.0/ ubuntu- 20.04-live- server- amd64.manifest | grep python3-yaml
python3-yaml 5.3.1-1ubuntu0.1
$ curl -s http://
python3-yaml 5.3.1-1ubuntu0.1
$ curl -s http://
python3-yaml 5.3.1-1
$ curl -s http://
python3-yaml 5.3.1-1
Yup, python3-yaml was seeded at least as far back as focal on PC server, PC desktop, and pi server images. So, technically yes, an SRU *should* be done but I wouldn't worry greatly in this particular case as python3-yaml should be universally installed.