
Created by William Wilson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~jawn-smith/whoopsie/whoopsie
Only William Wilson can upload to this branch. If you are William Wilson please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

William Wilson

Recent revisions

718. By William Wilson

Adding force flag to rm call in postrm script

717. By Brian Murray

* Attempt to fix double free issue (LP: #1899100)
  - src/whoopsie.c: reject duplicate keys, re-order certain operations.
  - src/tests/data/crash/invalid_key_duplicate,
    src/tests/test_parse_report.c: added test for duplicate keys.

716. By Brian Murray

releasing package whoopsie version 0.2.72

715. By Brian Murray

src/whoopsie.c: Do not upload AlsaInfo as it is redundant now that PaInfo
is collected.

714. By Brian Murray

releasing package whoopsie version 0.2.71

713. By Brian Murray

* SECURITY UPDATE: integer overflow in bson parsing (LP: #1872560)
  - lib/bson/*: updated to latest upstream release.
  - CVE-2020-12135
* SECURITY UPDATE: resource exhaustion via memory leak (LP: #1881982)
  - src/whoopsie.c, src/tests/test_parse_report.c: properly handle
  - CVE-2020-11937
* SECURITY UPDATE: DoS via large data length (LP: #1882180)
  - src/whoopsie.c, src/whoopsie.h, src/tests/test_parse_report.c: limit
    the size of a report file.
  - CVE-2020-15570

712. By Brian Murray

releasing package whoopsie version 0.2.70

711. By Brian Murray

Fix failures to build from source with gcc-10.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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