Code review comment for lp://qastaging/~jimbaker/pyjuju/generate-html

Revision history for this message
Jim Baker (jimbaker) wrote :

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Gustavo Niemeyer <email address hidden>wrote:

> Review: Approve
> Looks great, thanks Jim. Only a couple of minor comments, and it can go in
> IMO.
> Then, for the driver! I hope we can see a waterfall working this week
> still!

Please see the corresponding butler branch in review

> [4]
> === added file 'pystache-LICENSE'
> Please rename this to LICENSE and put it within the pystache dir itself.

Renamed accordingly

> [5]
> re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*?)(?P<status>\.out.FAILED|\.out)")
> This regex makes things more complex than it helps. E.g.:
> OK_SUFFIX = ".out"
> (...)
> if name.endswith(FAILED_SUFFIX):
> test_name = name[:-len(FAILED_SUFFIX)]
> etc.

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