
Created by Jonathan Davies and last modified

This branch contains the Debian packaging of the Coasis project.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~jpds/coisas/coisas-packaging
Only Jonathan Davies can upload to this branch. If you are Jonathan Davies please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Jonathan Davies
Central Services

Recent revisions

11. By Jonathan Davies

Fixed .install files for python2.6 in jaunty.

10. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/coisas-examples.install: Corrected path to classes directory.

9. By Jonathan Davies

Move these files into -examples.

8. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/control: Corrected incorrect package description.
* debian/coisas.install: Install only stuff needed.

7. By Jonathan Davies

Split coisas package into -facebook and -google subpackages.

6. By Jonathan Davies

Set changelog to close Ubuntu bug on upload to Ubuntu.

5. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/control: Tightened dependency on python-gdata.

4. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/control:
  - Improved description.
  - Added XS-Vcs-Bzr headers to source stanza.

3. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/changelog: Updated current version number.

2. By Jonathan Davies

* debian/copyright: Updated to version 3.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.