
Created by Martin Packman and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~juju/charms/precise/tarmac/gobotnext
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Branch information

Juju Engineering

Recent revisions

8. By Martin Packman

Need local site packages in crontab python path as well

7. By Martin Packman

Use bzr-2.6.0 from tarball and allow arbitrary scripting via config

6. By John A Meinel

Small tweak.

You need to apt-get install '-y' so that it actually installs the packages.

5. By John A Meinel

update the revision number, otherwise juju is really confused.

4. By John A Meinel

Fix typo in the README

3. By John A Meinel

Add an install-dependencies config entry.

This way we can easily install packages that need to be available for the test suite to run.
We can't really put that into the tarmac-conf:verify_command because that
command runs as the tarmac user, not as root.
ATM we only support naming packages that should be installed,
that should keep this a bit more sane that just having a shell
script that gets run.

2. By John A Meinel

Remove the install-time puppet run.

Puppet needs to run during 'config-changed' not during 'install', because you don't
really have the config that puppet needs at 'install' time.

1. By James Westby

Initial version of the tarmac charm.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
