
Created by Dave Cheney and last modified
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Juju Engineering

Recent revisions

1517. By Dave Cheney

force 1.12 series branch

1516. By Dave Cheney

merge jamespage fixus

1515. By Dave Cheney <email address hidden>

Set stable version to 1.12.0

1514. By Ian Booth

[r=wallyworld] Fix Openstack bootstrap issue

Bootstrapping on Openstack fails unless --upload-tools is
specified. This is because a SetConfig() resets authentication
credentials held by the client. So we ensure the client is
authenticated before starting the main bootstrap logic.


1513. By Dave Cheney

[r=dave-cheney] fix version tagging in build-release-tarball

1512. By Ian Booth

[r=wallyworld] Fix ensureGroup bug in Openstack provider

It appears not all Openstack providers return a duplicate error
if the security group already exists. Rework the business logic
to account for this. Also, if a group exists, do not overwrite its
rules with any new ones. This brings the juju-core behaviour in
line with what pyjuju does.


1511. By Dimiter Naydenov

[r=dimitern] worker/machiner: Use the API instead of state

With this change, the machiner worker becomes
the first one to use the API exclusively.
There are still some usage of the state
package, but only inside the tests.


R=gz, rogpeppe

1510. By Roger Peppe

[r=rogpeppe] testing/checkers: fix Satisfies

It didn't work when called with a nil argument.
A reflect gotcha to remember.


1509. By Raphaƫl Badin

[r=rvb] Azure provider: support most recent gwacl

1508. By Dimiter Naydenov

[r=dimitern] state/api/machiner: Cleanup tests and code

This is a trivial change in the machiner API
facade's implementation and test suite to make
them closer to the other facades.

Next in line is replacing state calls with API
calls in the machiner worker.


Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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