- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/pyjuju/go
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 207. By Gustavo Niemeyer
You are looking at the wrong location.
The juju Go port was moved to:
net/juju- core/juju - 206. By William Reade
trivial: fix inconsistency in deploy command documentation
- 205. By William Reade
add AssignmentPolicy to Environ
This is very likely to migrate to a Settings type at some stage, but I don't
think that's justified yet.R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6259062 - 204. By William Reade
add state.Assignmen
tPolicy type and state.AssignUnit func R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6248076 - 203. By William Reade
first step towards a deploy command
(all this does is parse *most* args; but IMO it's a chunk of useful
functionality nonetheless)R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6249075 - 202. By Dave Cheney
state: add Machine.String()
This proposal allows state.Machine to fulfil the Stringer
interface so it is capable of printing itself in a way that
is not dependant on it's internal represntation.R=fwereade, niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6257072 - 201. By Dave Cheney
cmd/jujud: strawman provisioning agent
This is a strawman provisioning agent proposal.
Following Gustavo's suggestion, this revision does not include
any functionality to respond to machines changes.R=rog, niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6250068 - 200. By Frank Mueller
state: Added two methods to add relations to State.
Releation( ) gets a client and a server endpoint,
AddPeerRelation() a peer endpoint. They return the relation and
both service relations for client/server or the one for peer.
The seperation into two methods with well defined arguments make
it easier to ensure a valid relation creation.R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6223055 - 199. By Dave Cheney
state: add state.Environment
This func provides direct access to the current environment
configuration as a *ConfigNode. This is used buy jujut and
is needed for testing the provisioning agent as
state.readConfigNode() is not exported. R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6261055 - 198. By William Reade
add charm.InferRepo
sitory R=niemeyer
https://codereview. appspot. com/6261058
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/pyjuju