
Created by Gustavo Niemeyer and last modified
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Juju Engineering

Recent revisions

89. By Free Ekanayaka

Improve docstring about the 'path' parameter of QueryAPI [trivial]

88. By Free Ekanayaka

Add a path parameter to QueryAPI, for cases where the service sits behind a reverse proxy [trivial] [r=therve,bjornt]

87. By Free Ekanayaka

Merge query-api [f=782546] [r=jseutter]

This branch adds a new txaws.server package, sporting the
following classes:

- resource.QueryAPI: a base class that can be used to implement
  EC2-like APIs

- schema.Schema: a schema class that can be used to specify and
  parse the parameters of an EC2-like HTTP request

86. By Free Ekanayaka

Merge use-port-in-signature [f=781540] [r=therve]

This branch introduces the following changes:

- There's now a txaws.ec2.client.Signature class that can be used
  to compute a signature, without requiring a Query instance. The
  Query class has been modified to make use of it.

- The txaws.service.AWSServiceEndpoint has been modified to not
  try to be smart when parsing the uri parameter in the constructor,
  i.e. if the uri doesn't contain a port, it will be set to None.

- The defaultPort parameter of txaws.util.parse now is a boolean
  flag to indicate whether to a provide default port in case the
  given uri doesn't include one.

85. By Thomas Herve

Merge break-out-ec2-parser [a=fwierzbicki] [r=oubiwann,therve] [f=768071]

Extract the parser of the EC2 client in a separate class to ease customization.

84. By Jamu Kakar

Merged silence-deprecation-warnings [r=oubiwann] [f=768311]

Exception.message is no longer accessed which silences deprecation
warnings in Python 2.6. Variables are explicitly compared with None
which silences deprecation warnings in Python 2.7.

83. By Frank Wierzbicki

Merged break-out-parse-instance [a=fwierzbicki] [r=jkakar,oubiwann] [f=766216]

The instance parsing logic in EC2Client has been broken into two
methods, one to parse individual instances and another to parse all
instances in a payload.

82. By Gustavo Niemeyer

Merged fix-path-with-bucket [a=niemeyer] [r=jkakar] [f=762183]

S3 bucket names are correctly handled when object names are not used.

81. By Jamu Kakar

Merged unbreak-error-wrapper [r=therve] [f=760878]

xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError is conditionally imported with a
fallback to xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError if it isn't available. This
unbreaks error_wrapper on <python2.7

80. By Jamu Kakar

- An xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError raised when attempting to parse
  an XML response payload in error wrappers is correctly caught and
  handled [f=759892] [trivial].

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