
Created by Clint Byrum and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~juju/ubuntu/oneiric/juju/backportable-packaging
Members of Juju Engineering can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Juju Engineering

Recent revisions

6. By Clint Byrum

remove patch which conflicts with newer versions of juju

5. By Clint Byrum

Add python-oauth as build-dep for new maas provider.

4. By Clint Byrum

Modify packaging to support lucid and maverick.

3. By Clint Byrum

* New upstream snapshot.
* refreshed patches

2. By Clint Byrum

* New upstream snapshot. Note upstream rename of project from ensemble
  to juju. Rename upload exception granted by slangasek on IRC.
* d/p/fix-failing-bundle-test.patch,fix-tests-with-no-ssh-key.patch:
  dropped, merged upstream.
* d/p/fix-tests-without-aws-access-key-id: refreshed for rename.
* d/control: change ensemble to meta-package which depends on juju
  so users who have ensemble will have it replaced with juju.
* d/rules: pull source from lp:juju
* debian/ensemble: install warning binary for transition.
* d/p/disable-failing-zookeeper-test.patch: Disable test due to race
  condition in the test (not underlying code), as confirmed upstream.

1. By Clint Byrum

Import upstream version 0.5+bzr361

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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