
Created by Clint Byrum and last modified
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Juju Engineering

Recent revisions

14. By Clint Byrum

uncommit me later

13. By Clint Byrum

applying patches

12. By Clint Byrum

* d/p/upstream-532.patch: use proper whitespace separation in
  relation-ids. (LP: #988065)
* d/p/upstream-533.patch: workaround to suppress Zookeeper logging
  which goes out of control in local provider on Reboot.(LP: #958312)
* d/p/upstream-534.patch: fix to stop juju-log and relation-set commands
  outputting "{}" to stdout, which can break some programs and makes it
  difficult to use them in a debug-hooks session. (LP: #915506)
* d/p/upstream-537.patch: make HTTPS apt sources usable inside local
  provider. (LP: #993034)
* d/p/upstream-538.patch: Add support to install juju from proposed
  pocket to test proposed SRU's. (LP: #926550)

11. By Clint Byrum

* New upstream snapshot (LP: #985249)
* d/p/fix-tests-without-aws-key.patch: Dropped as it has been
  superseded by a better upstream fix (LP: #819329)
* d/p/no-write-sample-on-help.patch: Dropped, Applied upstream.
* d/p/disable-failing-zookeeper-test.patch refreshed.
* d/control: new code requires latest txzookeeper upstream.

10. By Clint Byrum

* New upstream snapshot (LP: #962507 LP: #953258 LP: #965507).
* d/control: Depend and Build-Depend on python-oauth for MaaS.
* d/control: Drop dummy ensemble package and make breaks/replaces
  broader to force removal of any ensemble package. (LP: #954492)
* d/control: Move lxc, libvirt-bin, and zookeeper to Suggests to
  reduce the amount of packages installed on every node unecessarily
  and also avoid conflicting when deploying into a libvirt-bin
  default network VM (LP: #962389)
* d/rules: skip test suite when nocheck is set.
* d/rules: remove redundant dh_clean call
* d/juju.install: remove usr, with only one binary package this is
  not necessary anymore and causes dh_install to fail because no
  files are installed to debian/tmp anymore.
* d/rules,d/control,d/manpages,d/juju.manpages: Generate basic
  manpage from online help. (LP: #966611)
* d/patches/no-write-sample-on-help.patch: Added so --help can be
  safely run without a writable home dir on buildds. (LP: #957682)

9. By Clint Byrum

New upstream snapshot.

8. By Clint Byrum

releasing version 0.5+bzr447-0ubuntu1

7. By Clint Byrum

* New upstream snapshot.
  - Fixed regression with twisted 11.1 (LP: #917954)

6. By Clint Byrum

d/control: removing inaccurate Vcs-Bzr.

5. By Clint Byrum

d/control: Recommend components necessary for local provider except
apt-cacher-ng, which is suggested. (LP: #873540) Also depend on tmux
for debug-hooks and recommend byobu so the branding will be the same.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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