
Created by Karl Lattimer and last modified
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Branch information

Karl Lattimer

Recent revisions

47. By Karl Lattimer

Re-adding tedg's changes

45. By Karl Lattimer

Updated datetime service slightly to draw coloured dots for evolution colours, evolution is still slightly broken at doing it's part here and returns null colours.
Updated configure.ac (hope this doesn't break merge), and added the radio menu item with a right aligned time to the indicator so we can have location/timezone entries.

44. By Karl Lattimer

Added ESource Colours a circle drawn onto a cairo surface, however this code
has one caveat, it's un-testable with evolution as evolutions color peek is
currently broken. However I've used a very similar method of exchanging
GdkDrawables and cairo_surface_t before and it worked... Lets see this time :/

43. By Karl Lattimer

Added the timezone/location menu item code.

42. By Karl Lattimer

Updated the service, better memory handling, menu item sorting, triggered by about to show signal, discovered a new bug in dbusmenu

41. By Karl Lattimer

Getting the menu working almost correctly

40. By Karl Lattimer

Removed all buggy code from the datetime-service to push for A2

39. By Karl Lattimer

Updated add type handler functions

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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