FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:207 No commit message was specified in the merge proposal. Click on the following link and set the commit message (if you want a jenkins rebuild you need to trigger it yourself): Executed test runs: SUCCESS: SUCCESS: deb:*zip*/ SUCCESS:
Click here to trigger a rebuild: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/content-hub-ci/234/rebuild
« Back to merge proposal
FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:207 /code.launchpad .net/~ken- vandine/ content- hub/trust_ session_ wip/+merge/ 250843/ +edit-commit- message
No commit message was specified in the merge proposal. Click on the following link and set the commit message (if you want a jenkins rebuild you need to trigger it yourself):
http:// jenkins. qa.ubuntu. com/job/ content- hub-ci/ 234/ jenkins. qa.ubuntu. com/job/ content- hub-vivid- amd64-ci/ 30 jenkins. qa.ubuntu. com/job/ content- hub-vivid- armhf-ci/ 30 jenkins. qa.ubuntu. com/job/ content- hub-vivid- armhf-ci/ 30/artifact/ work/output/ *zip*/output. zip jenkins. qa.ubuntu. com/job/ content- hub-vivid- i386-ci/ 30
Executed test runs:
SUCCESS: http://
SUCCESS: http://
deb: http://
SUCCESS: http://
Click here to trigger a rebuild: s-jenkins. ubuntu- ci:8080/ job/content- hub-ci/ 234/rebuild