
Created by Ken VanDine and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~ken-vandine/quickly/quickly-run
Only Ken VanDine can upload to this branch. If you are Ken VanDine please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Ken VanDine

Recent revisions

135. By Ken VanDine

Added quickly run command, (LP: #398196)

134. By Ken VanDine

Open all .py files, excluding __init__.py and setup.py (LP: #396616)

133. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* Add completion for options (quickly --ver[TAB] will complete with verbose
  option. Same for others. Warning, a new version of quickly_bash_completion
  needs to be copied.
* Some cleanage to avoid repetition and having easier maintanable futur
  command addition

132. By Ken VanDine

Edit */*.py, now that we moved the files out the the python directory. Fixes LP #397427

131. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

Add bash completion to quickly
- copy quickly_bash_completion to /etc/bash_completion.d/quickly/
- relaunch bash

This feature is context compliant:
* $ quickly [TAB][TAB]: all commands available in the current context:
  - if we are outside a project: getstarted new quickly
  - in a ubuntu-project:
    change-lp-project getstarted new save
    dialog glade quickly
    edit help release
* outside a project or from a different project template:
    $ quickly -t ubuntu-project [TAB][TAB]
    change-lp-project getstarted new save
    dialog glade quickly
    edit help release
* template completion:
  - $ quickly new [TAB][TAB]
     -> Show all available templates (same with quickly quickly command)
  - $ quickly -t [TAB][TAB]
     -> Same here

130. By Ken VanDine

Added build and package commands

129. By Ken VanDine

Re-org to make things more packing friendly

128. By Rick Spencer

updated dialog and window code to load ui files after being packaged, looking in /user/share/project_name

127. By Rick Spencer

merged kenvandine's modifications to support packaging

126. By Rick Spencer

added setup.py file to the template

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
