

Created by kevin gunn and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~kgunn72/mir/0.19_alans_reporting
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Branch information

kevin gunn

Recent revisions

3280. By kevin gunn

fool changelog check

3279. By kevin gunn

merge of err reporting Multithredcompositor

3278. By Daniel van Vugt

debian/changelog: Correct formatting and the incomplete bug fix list.

Still needs work: We haven't mentioned what enhancements went in to 0.19.0

3277. By Daniel van Vugt

Merge the final changelog for 0.19.0+16.04.20160128-0ubuntu1

It's untidy and very incomplete, but that's what was released. We can
fix it later.

3276. By Kevin DuBois

make sure there are no unreleased stanzas in protobuf and common

3275. By Kevin DuBois

change the unreleased stanza to 0.19 in symbols.map

3274. By Kevin DuBois

do not use unreleased for the playground api

3273. By Kevin DuBois

add autodection for the fb ion quirk

3272. By Brandon Schaefer

* Merge 0.19

3271. By Brandon Schaefer

Fix the flakey tests, and actually make a test test something.

Approved by Andreas Pokorny, Kevin DuBois, mir-ci-bot, PS Jenkins bot.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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