
Created by Krzysztof Klimonda and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~kklimonda/couchdb-glib/couchdb-result
Only Krzysztof Klimonda can upload to this branch. If you are Krzysztof Klimonda please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Krzysztof Klimonda

Recent revisions

262. By Krzysztof Klimonda

Rough implementation of CouchdbResult

261. By Krzysztof Klimonda

add a newline to make code more readable

260. By Krzysztof Klimonda

add '&' and ';' to list of characters to escape

259. By Krzysztof Klimonda

remove newline and an unused variable

258. By Krzysztof Klimonda

add a comment to parse_query_options

257. By Krzysztof Klimonda

remove a lost debug statement

256. By Krzysztof Klimonda

decide which HTTP method to use based on presence of body argument

255. By Krzysztof Klimonda

Don't encode keys that are being sent using POST

254. By Krzysztof Klimonda

create a new, public function couchdb_database_execute_view_full

Make couchdb_database_execute_view_full do heavy lifting and write a small
wrapper over it to be used as couchdb_database_execute_view.

253. By Krzysztof Klimonda

Remove unneeded function prototype.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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