
Created by Krzysztof Klimonda and last modified
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Krzysztof Klimonda
Ubuntu Developer Tools

Recent revisions

763. By Krzysztof Klimonda

add -D/--distribution argument to the sponsor-patch utility

762. By Siegfried Gevatter

* pbuilder-dist, doc/pbuilder-dist.1:
   - Export the distribution and architecture information to the environment
     so that it is available in pbuilderrc, etc. (LP: #628933).

761. By Benjamin Drung

Releasing 0.104

760. By Benjamin Drung

Remove trailing tab.

759. By Siegfried Gevatter

* pbuilder-dist:
   - Fix regression where pbuilder would get an empty string as first
     positional argument.
   - Update --debug-echo so that it doesn't hide empty parameters (now
     that they are wrapped around quotes they are significant).

758. By Luca Falavigna

Releasing 0.103

757. By Benjamin Drung

ubuntutools/update_maintainer.py: Fix failure if debian/control.in is a

756. By Benjamin Drung

sponsor-patch: Improve variable names.

755. By Benjamin Drung

requestsync, ubuntutools/lp/lpapicache.py: Import functions explicitely.

754. By Stefano Rivera

ubuntutools/lp/libsupport.py: Support production API URLs in

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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