
Created by Krzysztof Klimonda and last modified
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Krzysztof Klimonda

Recent revisions

43. By Krzysztof Klimonda

releasing version 1.93-2ubuntu2

42. By Krzysztof Klimonda

* debian/transmission-daemon.default:
  - Don't start daemon by default. Disabled due to continous support
    requests from people not aware of the fact that it's started by default,
    where does it store files and what user does it run as. (LP: #594377)

41. By Krzysztof Klimonda

releasing version 1.93-2ubuntu1

40. By Krzysztof Klimonda

* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #574435), remaining changes:
  - debian/control:
    + Added liblaunchpad-integration-dev and lsb-release to Build-Depends
  - debian/rules:
    + create a po template during package build.
  - debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
    + integrate transmission with launchpad
  - debian/patches/20_add_x-ubuntu-gettext-domain.diff:
    + add x-ubuntu-gettext-domain to .desktop file.
  - debian/control, debian/rules:
    + build transmission gtk+ client with both gconf and libcanberra support.
  - debian/patches/dont_build_libevent.patch:
    + disable libevent in configure.ac and Makefile.am because we use autotools
      to regenerate build files.
  - debian/patches/updateminiupnpcstrings_double_escape_slash.patch:
    + Deleted as the bug is fixed upstream
* Fixes bugs:
  - Fix a bug in transmission-daemon that caused it to overwrite symlink to
    settings.json and in the result ignore changes made to
    /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json (LP: #571097)
  - A fix for LP #542194 disabled rpc in transmission-daemon by default. Make
    it enabled for new users (LP: #571739)
* Refreshed 99_autoreconf.patch

39. By Krzysztof Klimonda

releasing 1.92-0ubuntu2

38. By Krzysztof Klimonda

"unrelease" last revision

37. By Krzysztof Klimonda

Default to the fast preallocation mode. (LP: #538580)

36. By Krzysztof Klimonda

merge Chris Coulson's changes

35. By Krzysztof Klimonda

swap bug numbers in changelog

34. By Krzysztof Klimonda

and add --fixes to bzr commit to link bug

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