
Created by Kyle Nitzsche and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~knitzsche/scope-aggregator/featured
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Branch information

Kyle Nitzsche

Recent revisions

206. By Kyle Nitzsche

supress log output

205. By Kyle Nitzsche

fix typo in readme

204. By Kyle Nitzsche

updated README.md to document the new "featured" feature.

203. By Kyle Nitzsche

completnge support for "featured" object titles:
* set "featured" > "_title" to have a single category title that is always
used (regardless of the current scope providing the displayed result)
* or set "featured" > "pull_from" > "_title" for every pull from scope
and that scope-specific title is used when that scope provides the result

If both are set, the "featured" > "_title" is always used.

As always with keys starting with "_", i18n/l10n supported.

202. By Kyle Nitzsche

lump public properties together

201. By Kyle Nitzsche

add featrued gtest that verifies a category is created for each featured
declared that has at least one installed and registered feeder scope and
that the category is not created for a declared featured for which none of
its declared feeder scopes are installed and registered.

200. By Kyle Nitzsche

add gtests for two core featured methods: get_current_feeders() and

199. By Kyle Nitzsche

handle featureds when feeders are not installed.

write first featured gtest (not complete)

198. By Kyle Nitzsche

two bits implemented:
* featureds fallbacks (required common_template)
* declaring category title that varies with current feeder scope

197. By Kyle Nitzsche

when cycling through the declared feeder scopes ("pull_from": scopes),
exclude any declared scopes that are not current. This is done by passing
current_child_scopes to Client::get_featured_feature(...) and limiting
declared to those in churrent_child_scopes.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
