- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~knitzsche/scope-aggregator/featured
Branch merges
- Jin (community): Approve
- Zhang Enwei (community): Approve
- Gary.Wang: Pending requested
Diff: 1448 lines (+1015/-49)15 files modifiedREADME.md (+77/-10)
gtests/CMakeLists.txt (+1/-0)
gtests/MockRegistry.h (+13/-1)
gtests/scope_directory/featured_1.json (+398/-0)
gtests/scope_test.cpp (+130/-2)
include/aggchildscope.h (+13/-0)
include/client.h (+3/-0)
include/query.h (+19/-3)
include/scope.h (+1/-2)
src/aggchildscope.cpp (+37/-0)
src/client.cpp (+88/-0)
src/handle_results.cpp (+113/-1)
src/query.cpp (+9/-0)
src/scope.cpp (+6/-25)
src/utils.cpp (+107/-5)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 203. By Kyle Nitzsche
completnge support for "featured" object titles:
* set "featured" > "_title" to have a single category title that is always
used (regardless of the current scope providing the displayed result)
* or set "featured" > "pull_from" > "_title" for every pull from scope
and that scope-specific title is used when that scope provides the resultIf both are set, the "featured" > "_title" is always used.
As always with keys starting with "_", i18n/l10n supported.
- 201. By Kyle Nitzsche
add featrued gtest that verifies a category is created for each featured
declared that has at least one installed and registered feeder scope and
that the category is not created for a declared featured for which none of
its declared feeder scopes are installed and registered. - 200. By Kyle Nitzsche
add gtests for two core featured methods: get_current_
feeders( ) and
get_featured_feeder( ) - 199. By Kyle Nitzsche
handle featureds when feeders are not installed.
write first featured gtest (not complete)
- 198. By Kyle Nitzsche
two bits implemented:
* featureds fallbacks (required common_template)
* declaring category title that varies with current feeder scope - 197. By Kyle Nitzsche
when cycling through the declared feeder scopes ("pull_from": scopes),
exclude any declared scopes that are not current. This is done by passing
current_child_scopes to Client: :get_featured_ feature( ...) and limiting
declared to those in churrent_child_scopes.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/scope-aggregator