- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~knitzsche/scope-aggregator/gtest
Branch merges
- Zhang Enwei (community): Approve
- Paweł Stołowski: Pending requested
- Gary.Wang: Pending requested
Diff: 6141 lines (+4060/-1010)33 files modified.bzrignore (+5/-0)
CMakeLists.txt (+1/-0)
gtests/CMakeLists.txt (+78/-0)
gtests/MockRegistry.h (+167/-0)
gtests/TypedScopeFixture.h (+136/-0)
gtests/main.cpp (+7/-0)
gtests/query_test.cpp (+64/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/child_scopes.json (+330/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/cs1.json (+346/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/fallback_1.json (+70/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_1.json (+28/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_2.json (+28/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_3.json (+28/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_4.json (+28/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_5.json (+38/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_6.json (+38/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_7.json (+37/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_8.json (+37/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/find_test_full.json (+102/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/hints.json (+147/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/hints_local.json (+136/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/hints_not_using.json (+3/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/hints_remote.json (+144/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/no_departments.json (+214/-0)
gtests/scope_test.cpp (+645/-0)
include/client.h (+42/-0)
include/query.h (+22/-10)
include/scope.h (+15/-8)
src/CMakeLists.txt (+1/-1)
src/client.cpp (+94/-0)
src/query.cpp (+100/-810)
src/scope.cpp (+59/-38)
src/utils.cpp (+870/-143)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 197. By Kyle Nitzsche
change Client:
:check_ result_ fallbacks to return a tuple instead of a
pair to return ivalue optimization. - 196. By Kyle Nitzsche
move qstr() and sstr() methods to Client class and let everything call
them from the Client (instead of defining them statically at the top of
every file that wants them). - 195. By Kyle Nitzsche
comment out the cmake snippet that runs the google tests automatically
on build because this fails when building with click-buddy because it
builds in a click chroot which, for example, is amd64 byt produces armhfOpen to ideas for how to always run the google tests on make.
- 194. By Kyle Nitzsche
gtests: add a hints.json to gtest/scope-
directory because while our
tests supply test specific hints json files, the code does warn when
hints.json cannot be found, and these warnings muddy up gtest output. - 193. By Kyle Nitzsche
create new methods:
* handle_keyword_ child()
* handle_category_ child()
* handle_declared_ child() in Query class and move the relevant code into them, thus simplifying
and shortening the lambda function in handle_child_scope_ results( ) - 192. By Kyle Nitzsche
gtests: add verify_
no_departments Verifies that a child scopes json file that does not have departments
does NOT result in a call to register_departments( ) - 191. By Kyle Nitzsche
Gtest: on the verify_
chlld_scopes_ json test, added expecations that
register_departments( ) is called. tweaked test comments
- 190. By Kyle Nitzsche
google test: new test: TestAggScope.
verify_ cardinality_ methods This test verifies cardinality settings are correctly loaded and that
the current setting is retrieved. - 189. By Kyle Nitzsche
add "hints_remote" gtest.
Verifies that an agg scope that uses a hints scope to display hints does
display hints when the hints_is_hidden file is not present and that it
does not display hints when the file is present. (the file is created
when the user dismisses hints.) - 188. By Kyle Nitzsche
the two hints tests work:
* hints_not_using (verifies a scope that declares not using hints
does not in fact try to show them)
* hints_using_local (verifies local hints works AND does not display
after being dismissed, amont other bits)details in source.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/scope-aggregator