- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~knitzsche/scope-aggregator/refactor-handle-methods_add-login_remove-shared-category
Branch merges
- Zhang Enwei (community): Approve
- Gary.Wang: Pending requested
Diff: 3725 lines (+1703/-1386)15 files modifiedDELETED_FEATURES.md (+1/-0)
README.md (+270/-286)
gtests/CMakeLists.txt (+4/-0)
gtests/MockRegistry.h (+7/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/login_1.json (+74/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/login_2.json (+73/-0)
gtests/scope_directory/login_3.json (+35/-0)
gtests/scope_test.cpp (+110/-3)
include/aggchildscope.h (+36/-1)
include/query.h (+16/-9)
src/CMakeLists.txt (+1/-0)
src/aggchildscope.cpp (+34/-1)
src/handle_results.cpp (+960/-0)
src/query.cpp (+2/-9)
src/utils.cpp (+80/-1077)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 189. By Kyle Nitzsche
regularized RunType across the three handle methods: scope, category, keyword.
changed name of handle_
current_ child_scopes to complete_ child_scopes and
dropped its now unused args. - 187. By Kyle Nitzsche
updated README.md. Note that keyword no longer supports shared_category.
added DELETED_
FEATURES. md, which lists keyword > shared_category - 185. By Kyle Nitzsche
make handle_
category_ child() handle firstResult and not first result with
link to child specified and not. - 183. By Kyle Nitzsche
for the new login_renderer gtests, also verify that the is_login_case()
method returns false when the incoming result category id does NOT equal
the declared login_renderer_incoming_ category_ id. That is, ensure the login
renderer code is not invoked when it should not be invoked. - 182. By Kyle Nitzsche
add gtest: is_login_
case_declared_ scope
this verifies that for a declared child scope using the new login_renderer
feature, the is_login_case() method returns true when it should.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)