
Created by Kyle Nitzsche and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~knitzsche/scope-aggregator/refactor-handle-methods_add-login_remove-shared-category
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Branch information

Kyle Nitzsche

Recent revisions

191. By Kyle Nitzsche

suppress qt log messages

190. By Kyle Nitzsche

updated docs (README.md)

189. By Kyle Nitzsche

regularized RunType across the three handle methods: scope, category, keyword.

changed name of handle_current_child_scopes to complete_child_scopes and
dropped its now unused args.

188. By Kyle Nitzsche

mid-rewrite on README.md

187. By Kyle Nitzsche

updated README.md. Note that keyword no longer supports shared_category.

added DELETED_FEATURES.md, which lists keyword > shared_category

186. By Kyle Nitzsche

add bool Query::is_using_departments() and add this to two gtests

185. By Kyle Nitzsche

make handle_category_child() handle firstResult and not first result with
link to child specified and not.

184. By Kyle Nitzsche

refactored handle_keywords as previous pattern

183. By Kyle Nitzsche

for the new login_renderer gtests, also verify that the is_login_case()
method returns false when the incoming result category id does NOT equal
the declared login_renderer_incoming_category_id. That is, ensure the login
renderer code is not invoked when it should not be invoked.

182. By Kyle Nitzsche

add gtest: is_login_case_declared_scope
this verifies that for a declared child scope using the new login_renderer
feature, the is_login_case() method returns true when it should.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
