
Created by Colin Watson and last modified
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Branch information

Kubuntu Developers
Ubuntu Seeds

Recent revisions

1055. By Colin Watson

ttf-dejavu-core -> fonts-dejavu-core

1054. By Colin Watson

ttf-freefont -> fonts-freefont-ttf

1053. By Colin Watson

ttf-thai-tlwg -> fonts-thai-tlwg

1052. By Colin Watson

platform.raring -> platform.saucy; kubuntu.raring -> kubuntu.saucy

1051. By Colin Watson

platform.quantal -> platform.raring; kubuntu.quantal -> kubuntu.raring

1050. By Jonathan Riddell

use kde-window-manager-active-gles

1049. By Adam Conrad

calligramobile renamed to calligraactive

1048. By Colin Watson

Apply platform.precise r1694:
  unseed x-ttcidfont-conf; removed in Debian, only used as a hook for defoma
  which is deprecated, and package removed from Debian testing/unstable. If
  something actually needs this it should depend on it directly, since we
  can't tell from this distance why it's here at all.

1047. By Colin Watson

platform.precise -> platform.quantal; kubuntu.precise -> kubuntu.quantal

1046. By Jonathan Riddell

12:46 < rbelem> Riddell, could you update the kubuntu active meta to use the kwinactive package?

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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