
Created by Timo Jyrinki and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtmultimedia-opensource-src
Members of Kubuntu Packagers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Kubuntu Packagers

Recent revisions

86. By Timo Jyrinki

Update symbols.

85. By Timo Jyrinki

* New upstream release.
* Rebuild for GCC5 transition.
* Update symbols.

84. By Timo Jyrinki

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/adding_media_role_property.patch:
  - Adapt for 5.4.2.
* New upstream release.
  - Bump Qt build dependencies.
* Clear up the list in Uploaders removing people who hasn't commitited to the
  repo in more than a year. They can re add themselves whenever they want
  (and we really hope to see you back really soon!).
* Update symbols files with buildds' logs.
* Expose HTML documentation (Closes: #751178).

83. By Timo Jyrinki

Published to overlay PPA, will be in w.

82. By Ricardo Salveti

Avoid races when sending EOS, making sure pipeline is in playing state first (LP: #1433563)

81. By Timo Jyrinki

* New upstream release.
* Sync with Debian, keep remaining changes:
  - Keep omitting OpenAL from build-deps and don't build Qt Audio Engine
  - Enable tests
  - Keep the transitional package until 16.04 LTS
  - adding_media_role_property.patch
* New upstream release.
* Bump Qt build-dependencies to 5.4.1.
* Update debian/watch to point to https://download.qt.io/.
* Update debian/copyright.
* Mark destructors symbols missing with GCC 5 as optional
  (closes: #778091).
* Also add one new symbol to libqt5multimediaquick-p5.symbols.

80. By Timo Jyrinki

Releasing 5.4.0-2ubuntu1

79. By Timo Jyrinki

* Sync with Debian. Remaining changes:
  - Keep omitting OpenAL from build-deps and don't build Qt Audio Engine
  - Enable tests
  - Keep the transitional package until 16.04 LTS
  - adding_media_role_property.patch

78. By Timo Jyrinki

Update symbols

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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