
Created by Björn Tillenius and last modified
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Recent revisions

83. By José Antonio Rey

[r=1chb1n, jose]

Alex Kavanagh 2016-01-13 Removed sys.path.append('hooks') from unit_tests/test_write_log_rotate_config.py as it is superflous and causes (new) flake8 to fail with an E402.

82. By José Antonio Rey

Ryan Beisner 2016-01-11 sync charmhelpers for Mitaka cloud archive awareness

81. By Marco Ceppi

[marcoceppi] Move benchmark import to only be accessed during relation-changed

80. By Matt Bruzek

[everlast] The dump action was not working. Now it works and if args has spaces, they can be escaped with quotes.

79. By Matt Bruzek

[aisrael] Updates the perf action to use the charms.benchmark library instead of the deprecated charm-benchmark and charmhelpers.contrib.benchmark.

78. By Charles Butler

[r,a=lazypower] mattyw 2015-10-08 actions/backups.py: Fixed comments from domas' review
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: symlinks
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: Moved to common location
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: Don't need this import anymore
    mattyw 2015-10-07 action/backup: Use the action functions from charmhelpers
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: unit tests for actions
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: Refactored the backup actions to allow unit testing
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: sync
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: Resync
    mattyw 2015-10-07 Makefile: Added lint support for the actions, fixed linting issues found
    mattyw 2015-10-06 actions/retore: Added an action for mongorestore
    mattyw 2015-10-06 action/dump: Added an action to run mongodump

77. By Marco Ceppi

[james-page] Deal with later versions on pymongo where Connection -> MongoClient

76. By Liam Young

[1chb1n, r=gnuoy] Sync hooks/charmhelpers for liberty cloud archive enablement.

75. By Charles Butler

  [r=beisner, a=lazypower] <email address hidden> 2015-07-28 [billy-olsen,r=] Fix failing unit tests.

74. By Jorge Niedbalski

[freyes, r=niedbalski,aisrael] Fixed typo on README

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