- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~lubuntu-dev/lxde/libfm
Branch merges
Branch information
Import details
This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/lxde/libfm.git.
Last successful import was .
Recent revisions
- 2828. By LStranger
Fix memory leak after 880971f13a0eb81
649c22095ca6581 7c518a273a. Also added copyright marks where appropriate.
- 2827. By Sirgienko Nikita
Fixes badnames for files, copied from Google Drive
Fixes https:/
/github. com/lxde/ libfm-qt/ issues/ 137 For native and some virtual files display_name equals name of file, but not for Google Drive (see https:/
/debarshiray. wordpress. com/2015/ 09/13/google- drive-and- gnome-what- is-a-volatile- path/ for explanations) So, maybe better use display name of file as a target for copying from virtual to native.
- 2825. By Tsu Jan
Handle null destination on copying
Fixes https:/
/github. com/lxde/ pcmanfm- qt/issues/ 643 Instead of crashing (on pasting a file into the search folder), show an error message when the copy destination doesn't exist.
Also, `_fm_vfs_
search_ resolve_ relative_ path()` should always return NULL because relative paths don't make sense for the search and also because otherwise, a critical error will happen in `g_file_ resolve_ relative_ path()` (G_IS_FILE will return FALSE for its first argument.) - 2822. By Tsu Jan
Prevent corrupted image thumbnails
Since `generate_
thumbnails_ with_builtin( )` is in thread, it may not have time to return a TRUE value in `fm-thumbnail- loader. c → generate_ thumbnails( )`, so that if there is an external image thumbnailer (like the PNG thumbnailer of gdk-pixbuf2 >= 2.36.1), a corrupted thumbnail will be imminent. Please see that the above statement is just a speculation. However, this patch really prevents creation of corrupted thumbnails of PNG images with gdk-pixbuf2 >= 2.36.1. I also did some tests with a `gboolean`, to which the return value of `generate_
thumbnails_ with_builtin( )` was assigned, and it always remained equal to its initial value, whether it was TRUE or FALSE. - 2821. By Mamoru TASAKA
Fix segv on pasting large string when completion matches
On fm_path_
entry_completio n_render_ func(), priv->typed_ basename_ len
can be larger than model_file_name_len when pasting string from
cripboard when completion matches. - 2820. By Livanh <email address hidden>
Do not save thumbnails generated from the thumbnail cache directory
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)