
Created by Marc Cluet and last modified
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Branch information

Marc Cluet

Recent revisions

7. By Marc Cluet

Modified upstart script

6. By Mathias Gug

* debian/mcollective.triggers, debian/mcollective.postinst: install dpkg
  trigger to watch mcollective plugins directory. The trigger will restart
  mcollective daemon when a new plugin is installed.
* Rename mcollective-server package to mcollective-middleware to follow
  upstream naming convention. (LP: #722463)
* Don't install mcollective as part of mcollective-middleware since the
  mcollective server is not required to run the mcollective middleware.

5. By Dustin Kirkland 

* Merge new upstream release
* debian/mcollective.install: drop unneeded /etc/init.d (we use upstart)
* debian/copyright: use Apache 2.0 header and point to common-license
  file, per Lintian

4. By Dustin Kirkland 

debian/mcollective-server.postrm: add a postrm that removes the
marionette user, LP: #714673

3. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/control: move libstomp-ruby to mcollective-common dependencies,
  as this is needed for all mcollective operation, LP: #714669
* mcollective-server.postinst: add the marionette user if it doesn't
  exist (the postrm removal of the user will come soon), LP: #714673

2. By Dustin Kirkland 

debian/copyright: added full text of the Apache 2.0 license,
per feedback from Jonathan Riddell

1. By Dustin Kirkland 

Import upstream version 1.0.0

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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