
Created by Marc Cluet and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~lynxman/ubuntu/oneiric/apache2/fixeddefaultsite
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Branch information

Marc Cluet

Recent revisions

71. By Marc Cluet

* Expanded changelog to explain more in depth the problem we solved with this fix

70. By Marc Cluet

  * Changed default website config (LP: #820936)
    - debian/config-dir/sites-available/default: Changed Virtualhost
    definition to avoid bug LP: #820936

69. By Andres Rodriguez

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #787013). Remaining changes:
  - debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
  - debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common.ufw.profile}: Add ufw profiles.
  - debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
  - debian/apache2.py, debian/apache2.2-common.install: Add apport hook.
  - debian/control, debian/ask-for-passphrase, debian/config-dir/mods-available/ssl.conf:
    Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.

68. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
  - debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common.ufw.profile}: Add ufw profiles.
  - debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
  - debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2.2-common.isntall: Add apport hook.
  - debian/control, debian/ask-for-passphrase, debian/config-dir/mods-available/ssl.conf:
    Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.

67. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
  - debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common.ufw.profile}: Add ufw profiles.
  - debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
  - debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2.2-common.isntall: Add apport hook.
  - debian/control, debian/ask-for-passphrase, debian/config-dir/mods-available/ssl.conf:
    Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.

66. By Chuck Short

debian/rules: Don't use "-fno-strict-aliasing" since it causes
apache FTBFS on amd64. (LP: #711293)

65. By Chuck Short

debian/rules: Use "-fno-strict-aliasing" to work around a gcc bug.
(LP: #697105)

64. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
  - debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common.ufw.profile}: Add ufw profiles.
  - debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree
  - debain/apache2.py, debian/apache2.2-common.isntall: Add apport hook.
  - debian/control, debian/ask-for-passphrase, debian/config-dir/mods-available/ssl.conf:
    Plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.

63. By Chuck Short

[Clint Byrum]
* Adding plymouth aware passphrase dialog program ask-for-passphrase.
  (LP: #582963)
  + debian/control: apache2.2-common depends on bash for ask-for-passphrase
  + debian/config-dir/mods-available/ssl.conf:
    - SSLPassPhraseDialog now uses exec:/usr/share/apache2/ask-for-passhrase

[Chuck Short]
* Add apport hook. (LP: #609177)
  + debian/apache2.py, debian/apache2.2-common.install

62. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/{control, rules}: Enable PIE hardening.
  - debian/{control, rules, apache2.2-common.ufw.profile}: Add ufw profiles.
  - debian/control: Add bzr tag and point it to our tree

Branch metadata

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