
Created by Maru Newby and last modified
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Maru Newby

Recent revisions

27. By Maru Newby

debian/control: Remove unnecesary openvswitch-vswitch dependency
from quantum-plugin-openvswitch. (LP: #1076747)

26. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/cron.d/quantum-{l3, dhcp]-agent-netns-cleanup: Schedule hourly
  cleanups of leaked Quantum network namespsaces using the
  quantum-netns-cleanup utility.

25. By Chuck Short

New upstream release.

24. By Chuck Short

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/quantum-server.{default, upstart}: Use default file to specify
  path to plugin config, which is passed to quantum-server as
  '--config-file' during startup. (LP: #1009294)
* debian/control:
  - Remove quantum-server's dependency on 'quantum-plugin'.
  - Specify >= 1: requirement for python-quantumclient.
  - Add dnsmasq dependencies to quantum-dhcp-agent Depends.

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream version.
* debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Refreshed.

23. By Chuck Short

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debain/*.postrm: Fix argument-less calls to update-rc.d, redirect
  to /dev/null. (LP: #1047560)
* debian/quantum-server.upstart: Invoke start-stop-daemon properly.
  (LP: #1047404)
* debain/*.postrm, *.upstart: Ensure files are named for corresponding
  agent package, not plugin package.
* debian/control:
  - Group agents with plugins.
  - Fix some copy/paste mistakes.
  - Set dependencies between agents and corresponding plugins.
  - Recommend quantum-plugin-openvswitch for quantum-server.
  - Require the same version of quantum-common and python-quantum.
  - Add quantum-netns-cleanup utility to quantum-common.
* debian/patches/fix-quantum-configuration.patch: Use correct database
  for linuxbridge plugin, use OVS plugin by default, call quantum-rootwrap
  correctly. (LP: #1048668)
* Fix all use of /usr/sbin, things should go in /usr/bin.
* Remove dhcp and l3 plugins, they are not actually plugins.
* Rename packages quantum-plugin-{l3, dhcp}-agent to
  quantum-{l3, dhcp}-agent.
* debain/quantum-*-agent.upstart: Specify config files as a
  parameter to --config-file, specify log files for all.
* debian/*.logrotate: Add logrotate configs for server and agents.
* Install quantum_sudoers with quantum-common, not quantum-server.
* Install rootwrap filters only with the packages that require them.
* debian/*-agent.upstart: Specify --config-file=/etc/quantum/quantum.conf
  in addition to plugin-specific config. Specify log files for all agents.
* Allow group 'adm' read access to /var/log/quantum.
* debian/quantum-server.postinst: Drop, all has been moved to quantum-common.
* Add packaging for quantum-plugin-nec.

[ Chuck Short ]
* New usptream release.

22. By Chuck Short

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Add missing python-keystone dependency.
* wrap-and-sort.

[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/rules:
  - Run testsuite on build.
  - Use get-orig-source.
  - Add python-amqplib, python-anyjson, python-httplib2, python-iso8601,
    python-kombu, python-lxml, python-netadr, python-pyudev to build depends
    and run time deps.
  - Add python-mock, python-mox, and python-unitest2 to build deps.
  - Add adduser as a dep to quantum-common.
* debian/control: Bump standards version to 3.9.3
* debian/quantum-common.install: Add missing configuration files.
  (LP: #988999)
* debian/quantum-plugin-linuxbridge.install: Make isntallable.
* Add manpages: gratitously ripped from debian.
* Fix up lintian warnings. (LP: #1025203), (LP: #1021921)
* Add metaplugin plugin.
* debian/patches/fix-namespace.patch: Dropped it was causing
  python namespace issues.
  (LP: #1045064)
* debian/*.upstart:
  - Specify configuration file and log directory.
  - Start on the right transition.
* debian/rules:
  - Allow to disable testsuite.
  - Dont fail if the testsuite fails.
* debian/patches/fix-quantum-configuration.patch: Fix configuration files.
* Add packaging for quantum-plugin-l3 and quantum-plugin-l3-agent
* Add packaging for quantum-plugin-dhcp-agent and quantum-plugin-dchp-agent
* debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Fix testsuite failures.

[ Soren Hansen ]
* Update debian/watch to account for symbolically named tarballs and
  use newer URL.
* Add python-configobj as a build and run time dependency. Recently added
  tests need it, and the Cisco plugin has needed it for a while.
* Fix Launchpad URLs in debian/watch.

21. By Chuck Short

New upstream release.

20. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control, pydist-overrides: Add python-setuptools-git as a
  Build-Depends, override as necessary.

19. By Chuck Short

[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* Add missing upsart jobs for agents.
* Add sudo wrapper for quantum-rootwrap. (LP: #999142)

[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Fix spacing issues that cause mk-build-deps to fail.
* debian/quantum-server.install: Install new plugins config directory
  instead of old .ini.

18. By Chuck Short

* debian/control: Add breaks replaces since files have moved around.
* Fix typo in upstart job.

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