Created by
Matt Bruzek
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mbruzek/charms/precise/gunicorn/tests
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Branch merges
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- charmers: Pending requested
Diff: 69 lines (+59/-0)2 files modifiedtests/00-setup (+5/-0)
tests/99-autogen (+54/-0)
Branch information
- Owner:
- Matt Bruzek
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 32. By Charles Butler
[Simon Davy] 2014-05-01
* Add replacement /etc/init.d/gunicorn replacement
* Change new upstart job name to gunicorn for compatibility
* Add support for old wsgi_extra parameter - 30. By Matt Bruzek <email address hidden>
[bloodearnest] Allow an easier upgrade path from old bash version of charm by adding support for old env_extra relation data format, and removing old service. Plus, and fix bug/wart in config-changed hook.
- 29. By Marco Ceppi
[bloodearnest] Clean up of gunicorn charm, adding charmhelpers, tests and re-add env_extra param
- 27. By Mark Mims
merging lp:~patrick-hetu/charms/precise/gunicorn/python-rewrite as per https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~patrick- hetu/charms/ precise/ gunicorn/ python- rewrite/ +merge/ 167088
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/charms/gunicorn