
Created by Matt Bruzek and last modified
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Branch information

Matt Bruzek

Recent revisions

9. By Matt Bruzek

Code review found double shebang in install.py removing it.

8. By Matt Bruzek

Vendoring the kubernetes-master charm to v1.0.0 release.

7. By Matt Bruzek

Removing binary bloat, and the install file should be a symlink.

6. By Matt Bruzek

Readme was out of date, updated with latest information.

5. By Matt Bruzek

Removed the charmhelpers included in the charm, it is now pip installed.
Fixing reference to envar and adding virtualenv.
Adding pytest style tests for installer code.
Adding verbose flag to the Makefile tests target.
Add comments for clarity of intention, and remove stray print statement
Imports install hook unit tests, and test deps
Adds symlink to hooks/install.py for unit testing
Changed the guestbook script so it can run.
Fixing a syntax error that caused a problem.
Finishing touches for guestbook script
Updating install to add env vars to root bashrc
Opening port 8080 in the install hook.
Fixing spelling error found in code review. Thanks @chuckbutler
Adding a script to run on kubernetes master to set up the guestbook app.
Adding a Kubernetes icon based on a Juju template.
Adding double tack to the upstart templates
Correcting spelling error in maintainer
Fixing spelling error found in code review, thanks @chuckbutler!
Opening port 8080 in the install hook as before.
Adding the GO binaries to the path so the build succeeds.
Refactoring the install method to python, required including setup and installing charmhelpers from pip.
Changes to hooks.py for installing from source, moving the export of KUBERNETES_MASTER to install
Installing charmhelpers differently now.
Adding setup.py to install charmhelpers and path.py
Removing the code that copies the binaries to the html directory, no longer needed.
Making the changes to the hooks to render the template.
Adding a new nginx template to distribute the binary files.
Changes necessary to host the binary files via nginx.
Notify minions when new version is built.
Making nginx listen on port 8080
Refactoring the installer code once again.
Refactoring the code to work in all cases.
Moving the version back so it will match charm-kubernetes
Moving the build code to kubernetes_installer.py
Refactoring the config-changed code.
Adding back in a reminder to install gsutils later.
Updating the description of the version configuration
Shortening the long line in the readme.
Changing the code after testing it out.
Changing hooks.py kubernetes_installer.py to use git to pull the source code and build with the make file.
Clone the git source code at the install step.
Adds 2 makefile targets for release process.

4. By Charles Butler

Updates to: Readme instructions
Alters hooks to correct a transient error in symlinking
Updates hooks with path.py goodness

3. By Matt Bruzek

Update from latest kubernetes-master charm.

2. By Whit Morriss

Release 0.2

1. By Matt Bruzek

Initial version of the kubernetes-master charm.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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