
Created by Matt Bruzek and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mbruzek/charms/trusty/kubernetes/github-sync
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Branch information

Matt Bruzek

Recent revisions

12. By Matt Bruzek

Making changes from the github repository.

11. By Charles Butler

Update unit tests for lib/registrator.py

10. By Charles Butler

Handle socket errors for slow clouds during testing.

9. By Charles Butler

Re-introduce handling for a 409 response code when the k8's node has registered
with ETCD already. This happens during the etcd-relation-changed sequence often
and is not an error case, So halting the unit execution is not desireable.

8. By Charles Butler

Lint refactoring and updating of failing tests

7. By Matt Bruzek

Vendoring changes to the kubernetes charm for v1.0.0 release.

6. By Matt Bruzek

Removing binary bloat, config.yaml and config-changed.
Adding virtualenv to release target and reference env correctly.

5. By Matt Bruzek

Readme was out of date, updated to the latest deployment information.

4. By Matt Bruzek

Convert the service metadata to a subordinate, and add appropriate relationship to the docker-host.
Removed the overlay_type from relationship validation because this key was not being used in an obvious way, and terminated the relationships
Fixing flake8 complaint of under indent.
Adding 201 to the successful response codes.
Adding an icon.svg that will pass review.
Adding double tack to the upstart templates.
Fixing spelling error in maintainers
Deleting the binary tar files from old releases. We build from source now.
Use write_text() rather than write_lines().
Removing the version file logic from installer.
Stop the services before you download the replacement binaries
Change the permissions on downloaded binaries.
Changing the path to the resources
Additions for getting the binaries from the kuberentes master via http and wget
Changing the installer code to download the binaries from the kubernetes master.
Using the api-relation-changed hook to install the kubernetes binaries.
Changing install to new model
Refactoring to satisfy lint target, and test target.
Import Makefile from Kubernetes Master, Adds release target.

3. By Charles Butler

Updated Readme Instructions
Installs path.py
Added path.py goodness

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
