
Created by Matt Bruzek and last modified
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Matt Bruzek

Recent revisions

84. By Matt Bruzek

Spelling the resource file name correctly would be helpful.

83. By Matt Bruzek

Moving apt-get install pip outside of try catch!

82. By Matt Bruzek

Adding the charms.benchmark file for times when network is limited.

81. By Matt Bruzek

In network constrained environments you can not install from the Internet, use a file if all else fails.

80. By Matt Bruzek

[everlast] The dump action was not working. Now it works and if args has spaces, they can be escaped with quotes.

79. By Matt Bruzek

[aisrael] Updates the perf action to use the charms.benchmark library instead of the deprecated charm-benchmark and charmhelpers.contrib.benchmark.

78. By Charles Butler

[r,a=lazypower] mattyw 2015-10-08 actions/backups.py: Fixed comments from domas' review
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: symlinks
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: Moved to common location
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: Don't need this import anymore
    mattyw 2015-10-07 action/backup: Use the action functions from charmhelpers
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: unit tests for actions
    mattyw 2015-10-07 actions/backup: Refactored the backup actions to allow unit testing
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: sync
    mattyw 2015-10-07 charmhelpers: Resync
    mattyw 2015-10-07 Makefile: Added lint support for the actions, fixed linting issues found
    mattyw 2015-10-06 actions/retore: Added an action for mongorestore
    mattyw 2015-10-06 action/dump: Added an action to run mongodump

77. By Marco Ceppi

[james-page] Deal with later versions on pymongo where Connection -> MongoClient

76. By Liam Young

[1chb1n, r=gnuoy] Sync hooks/charmhelpers for liberty cloud archive enablement.

75. By Charles Butler

  [r=beisner, a=lazypower] <email address hidden> 2015-07-28 [billy-olsen,r=] Fix failing unit tests.

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