
Created by Gary.Wang and last modified
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Recent revisions

16. By Gary.Wang

1.generate job id with uuid.
2.reduce the size of temporary generated file.

Approved by unity-api-1-bot, Zhang Enwei.

15. By Gary.Wang

support dual landing.

Approved by Zhang Enwei, unity-api-1-bot.

14. By Gary.Wang

specify boost library version in debian control.

13. By Gary.Wang

1.debian files fixed.
2.fill-in credenctial info.
3.enable all tests except a test(pause_and_resume) as local server doesn't support resumable uploads.

12. By Gary.Wang

1.Update provider to enable data streaming directly without local cache.
2.Support content data reading call back function when uploading.
3.Fixes critical variable protection for for pause_ in syncthread.

11. By Gary.Wang

append newCatalogName when generating upload link.

It's documented that newCatalogName is optional parameter,
however this parameter is required to create upload link in request body after replied by cmcc mcloud server dev.

10. By Gary.Wang

* Add etag field for content and folder.
* Fix page index for content listing.
* Add mcloud provider.
* Add UploadRequest structure.
* Exception domain_error -> runtime_error.

9. By Gary.Wang

* Support to customize content name for upload
* Query value of etag filed for folder and content
* Error handing fixing(Domain_error --> runtime_error)
* Remove redundant files

8. By Gary.Wang

* Set access token before authenticating all mcloud API calls (new api
  introduce), not to refresh token.
* Fix error when retrieve content info.
* Add content info test case.
* Introduce new member(folder path) for cloud folder.

7. By Gary.Wang

* Make syncmanager visible and expose relevant APIs.
* Add new bunch of API(content_info, create_folder, move_items,update_items) and relevant test cases.
* Set abort condition for request (abort_request_if net-cpp 2.0)
* Modify task status when it's changed.
* Cancel unstarted task when syncmanager cancels tasks.
* Typo fixed.
* Code clean up.

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