Created by
Michi Henning
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~michihenning/thumbnailer/disable-tests
Michi Henning
can upload to this branch. If you are
Michi Henning
please log in for upload directions.
Branch merges
Propose for merging
No branches
dependent on this one.
- Michi Henning (community): Approve
- James Henstridge: Approve
- Timo Jyrinki: Needs Information
Diff: 218 lines (+87/-36)9 files modifiedCMakeLists.txt (+22/-0)
debian/changelog (+22/-35)
doc/libthumbnailer-qt/examples/qt_example_test.cpp (+7/-0)
tests/dbus/dbus_test.cpp (+7/-0)
tests/image-provider/image-provider_test.cpp (+7/-0)
tests/libthumbnailer-qt/libthumbnailer-qt_test.cpp (+7/-0)
tests/qml/qml_test.cpp (+7/-0)
tests/slow-vs-thumb/slow-vs-thumb_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/stress/stress_test.cpp (+7/-0)
Related bugs
Bug #1625930: thumbnailer FTBFS on arm64 ppc64el | Undecided | Incomplete |
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 154. By Michi Henning
Fixed arch expression. Increased timeout for slow-vs-thumb test because it
fails occasionally on Vivid arm64. - 149. By Michi Henning
Disabled QDBus-related tests on xenial and yakkety for the time being due
to problems with Qt 5.6. See
https://bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ thumbnailer/ +bug/1613561
https://bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ qtbase- opensource- src/+bug/ 1625930 - 148. By Michi Henning
Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado <!nocheck> for cross-builds.
- 146. By CI Train Bot Account
* Changed copyright from GPL to LGPL for two files used in storage framework.
* Fixed pkgconfig file for qt library.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/thumbnailer