- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~michihenning/thumbnailer/fix-warnings
Branch merges
- unity-api-1-bot: Approve (continuous-integration)
- James Henstridge: Approve
Diff: 567 lines (+107/-55)25 files modifieddoc/libthumbnailer-qt/examples/qt_example_test.cpp (+4/-0)
include/internal/image.h (+1/-1)
src/image.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/art_extractor/art_extractor_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/backoff_adjuster/backoff_adjuster_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/check_access/check_access_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/dbus/dbus_test.cpp (+5/-5)
tests/download/download_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/file_io/file_io_test.cpp (+2/-2)
tests/file_lock/file_lock_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/gmock_nowarn.h (+24/-0)
tests/gobj_ptr/gobj_ptr_test.cpp (+9/-9)
tests/gtest_nowarn.h (+24/-0)
tests/image-provider/image-provider_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/image/image_test.cpp (+12/-12)
tests/libthumbnailer-qt/libthumbnailer-qt_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/recovery/MockCache.h (+1/-1)
tests/safe_strerror/safe_strerror_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/settings/settings_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/slow-vs-thumb/slow-vs-thumb_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/stress/stress_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/thumbnailer-admin/thumbnailer-admin_test.cpp (+10/-10)
tests/thumbnailer/thumbnailer_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/version/version_test.cpp (+1/-1)
tests/vs-thumb/vs-thumb_test.cpp (+1/-1)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 365. By Michi Henning
Merging 2.4+17.
04.20161114. 1-0ubuntu1 from trunk at r154:
* Added zesty to list of distros for which we suppress Qt tests.
* Fixed code to work with taglib 1.11, which breaks the behavior
of the taglib 1.9 API. - 363. By Michi Henning
Back-merge from trunk:
* Disabled QDBus-related tests on xenial and yakkety for the time being due
to problems with Qt 5.6. See
https://bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ thumbnailer/ +bug/1613561
https://bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ qtbase- opensource- src/+bug/ 1625930
* Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado <!nocheck> for
* Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado <!nocheck> for cross-builds.
* Relaxed copyright for trace.cpp and trace.h to LGPL.
* No-change rebuild for boost soname change.
[ Michi Henning ]
* Changed copyright from GPL to LGPL for two files used in storage framework.
[ James Henstridge ]
* Fixed pkgconfig file for qt library. - 362. By Michi Henning
Merged lp:~michihenning/thumbnailer/fix-crossbuild:
Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado: native for cross-builds. - 361. By James Henstridge
Fix up SHARE_PRIV_ABS definition in cmake configuration.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Michi Henning, unity-api-1-bot.
- 360. By James Henstridge
Fix up the libthumbnailer-qt pkg-config file.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, unity-api-1-bot.
- 359. By Michi Henning
Changed copyright to LGPL for the bits we stole for storage framework.
Approved by PS Jenkins bot, James Henstridge, unity-api-1-bot.
- 357. By Michi Henning
Minor fix to stop complaint from ubsan.
Approved by James Henstridge, PS Jenkins bot.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/thumbnailer