
Created by Michi Henning and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~michihenning/thumbnailer/fix-warnings
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Michi Henning

Recent revisions

366. By Michi Henning

Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings on zesty.

365. By Michi Henning

Merging 2.4+17.04.20161114.1-0ubuntu1 from trunk at r154:
* Added zesty to list of distros for which we suppress Qt tests.
* Fixed code to work with taglib 1.11, which breaks the behavior
  of the taglib 1.9 API.

364. By Michi Henning

Merge trunk at r152: No change rebuild against boost1.62.

363. By Michi Henning

Back-merge from trunk:
* Disabled QDBus-related tests on xenial and yakkety for the time being due
  to problems with Qt 5.6. See
* Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado <!nocheck> for
* Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado <!nocheck> for cross-builds.
* Relaxed copyright for trace.cpp and trace.h to LGPL.
* No-change rebuild for boost soname change.
[ Michi Henning ]
* Changed copyright from GPL to LGPL for two files used in storage framework.
[ James Henstridge ]
* Fixed pkgconfig file for qt library.

362. By Michi Henning

Merged lp:~michihenning/thumbnailer/fix-crossbuild:
Changed python-tornado dependency to python-tornado:native for cross-builds.

361. By James Henstridge

Fix up SHARE_PRIV_ABS definition in cmake configuration.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Michi Henning, unity-api-1-bot.

360. By James Henstridge

Fix up the libthumbnailer-qt pkg-config file.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, unity-api-1-bot.

359. By Michi Henning

Changed copyright to LGPL for the bits we stole for storage framework.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, James Henstridge, unity-api-1-bot.

358. By Michi Henning

Merging 2.4+16.10.20160530.3-0ubuntu1 from trunk.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot.

357. By Michi Henning

Minor fix to stop complaint from ubsan.

Approved by James Henstridge, PS Jenkins bot.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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