
Created by Ryu Ishimoto and last modified
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Branch information

OpenStack Compute (nova)

Recent revisions

1493. By Ryu Ishimoto

merged trunk

1492. By Ryu Ishimoto

Changed methods to match MidoNet API

1491. By Ryu Ishimoto

Added MidoNet directory

1490. By Tim Simpson

The notifiers API was changed to take a list of notifiers. Some people might want to use more than one notifier so hopefully this will be accepted into trunk.

1489. By Vish Ishaya

Fixes iscsiadm commands to run properly.

1488. By Thierry Carrez

Fix default hostname generator so that it won't use underscores, and use minus signs instead.

1487. By Brian Waldon

- rebuilds are functional again
- OSAPI v1.1 rebuild will accept adminPass or generate a new one, returning it in a server entity
- OSAPI v1.0 will generate a new password, but it doesn't communicate it back to the user

1486. By Ken Pepple

add rainy day test to to_global
fixed to_global to catch correct error from incorrect mac addresses

1485. By Ken Pepple

similar to lp828614: add rainy day test and fix exception error catch to AddrFormatError

1484. By Ken Pepple

added unit tests for version.py

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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