

Created by Alberto Aguirre and last modified
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Mir development team

Recent revisions

2309. By Daniel van Vugt

Bump the Mir version to 0.12.1

Better late than never.

2308. By Alexandros Frantzis

Update changelog for 0.12.1 release

2307. By Alexandros Frantzis

Provide our own version of glibc 2.21 default valgrind suppressions and extra armhf suppressions (LP: #1435186)

Backported from lp:mir r2420

2306. By Alexandros Frantzis

Revert commit 2297 'Always use double buffers instead of triple. (LP: #1240909)'

Various applications on the phone (notably the Apps scope) are not fast enough
to work smoothly with double buffering.

2305. By Alberto Aguirre

Fix vivid build failure arising from upstream toolchain upgrades.
(LP: #1435127)

2304. By Kevin DuBois

android: pass the reported physical size of the display from the driver to the rest of the mir system (LP: #1430315).

Backported from lp:mir r2386.

2303. By Alberto Aguirre

Fix calling dead objects from some protobuf closure objects (LP: #1433330).

Since the closure/callback object may be invoked by a different thread in
some instances (e.g. SessionMediator::exchange_buffer), the closure object now
gets a weak_ptr to the ProtobufMessageProcessor (instead of a raw pointer).

Backported from lp:mir r2406.

2302. By Alberto Aguirre

Fix data race in ProtobufResponder::send_response (LP: #1428402).

Backported from lp:mir r2373.

2301. By Alberto Aguirre

Avoid unlocking a mutex in a thread that does not own it (LP: #1427976).

SessionMediator unlocks its session_mutex before invoking rpc callbacks. This
becomes cumbersome when SessionMediator needs to call Surface::swap_buffers, as
the completion function may be executed in an entirely different thread.

The session_mutex should only be unlocked if the completion function is invoked
during Surface::swap_buffers.

Backported from lp:mir r2379.

2300. By Robert Carr

Enable pointer exit events (LP: #1418569).

Backported from lp:mir r2329.

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