Testing the conffile removal behavior is easy enough to do in LXD. Of course this simple example doesn't show that multipath is working properly, just that the conf file is being removed on upgrade (the goal of this MP). I understand that checking multipath-tools working properly is important, so I'm looking to setup a Mantic testbed using https://github.com/canonical/server-test-scripts/tree/main/ha/virsh. Currently I'm exploring these scripts to help test the other multipath-tool SRUs [1][2] that is in-progress, and these tests will be focused on ensuring daemon restarts/system reboots do not cause regressions.
2. set sources to Mantic
# sed -i 's/lunar/mantic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
3. If testing the new PPA
# apt install -y software-properties-common
# add-apt-repository ppa:mitchdz/multipath-tools-mantic-rm-initscript
# sed -i 's/lunar/mantic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mitchdz-ubuntu-multipath-tools-mantic-rm-initscript-lunar.list
Testing the conffile removal behavior is easy enough to do in LXD. Of course this simple example doesn't show that multipath is working properly, just that the conf file is being removed on upgrade (the goal of this MP). I understand that checking multipath-tools working properly is important, so I'm looking to setup a Mantic testbed using https:/ /github. com/canonical/ server- test-scripts/ tree/main/ ha/virsh. Currently I'm exploring these scripts to help test the other multipath-tool SRUs [1][2] that is in-progress, and these tests will be focused on ensuring daemon restarts/system reboots do not cause regressions.
1. Setup lunar LXC container ubuntu/ lunar/cloud mpath-test
$ lxc launch images:
$ lxc exec mpath-test -- bash
2. set sources to Mantic sources. list
# sed -i 's/lunar/mantic/g' /etc/apt/
3. If testing the new PPA properties- common multipath- tools-mantic- rm-initscript sources. list.d/ mitchdz- ubuntu- multipath- tools-mantic- rm-initscript- lunar.list
# apt install -y software-
# add-apt-repository ppa:mitchdz/
# sed -i 's/lunar/mantic/g' /etc/apt/
4. ll /etc/init. d/multipath- tools d/multipath- tools*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2827 Feb 18 2022 /etc/init.
5. Upgrade packages to Mantic
#apt dist-upgrade
6. Check behavior mantic2 d/multipath- tools d/multipath- tools': No such file or directory
// Case with private PPA
# dpkg -l multipath-tools | awk '/^ii/ {print $3}'
# ll /etc/init.
ls: cannot access '/etc/init.
// Current Case without fix d/multipath- tools d/multipath- tools*
# dpkg -l multipath-tools | awk '/^ii/ {print $3}'
# ll /etc/init.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2827 Feb 18 2022 /etc/init.
[1] - https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ focal/+ source/ multipath- tools/+ bug/2000186 /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ multipath- tools/+ bug/2026881
[2] - https:/